Council of Science
European Association of
Medical Editors(EASE)
AMerican Society for
Science and Technology







201、represent a promising alternative for the future because of…..  

202、We investigated the association between …  

203、Using data from the ….. which assessed the impact of…… we sought to explore  

potential mechanisms underlying this adverse outcome  

204、The mainstay of treatment for AS remains pharmacological; however, catheter  

ablation has increasingly been used over the last decade. The relative merits of each  

strategy have not been extensively studied.    

205、Despite favorable effects on high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL‐C) and low‐

density  lipoprotein  cholesterol,  the  cholesteryl  ester  transfer  protein  inhibitor  

torcetrapib  failed  to  slow  atherosclerosis  progression  and  increased  mortality. We  

investigated  the  relationship  between  lipid  changes  and  progression  of  coronary  


206、Future studies with …….inhibitors without off‐target toxicity are needed to settle  

this issue  

207、This study is the first to examine the effect of direct……..stimulation on…..with  

the use of the novel …..receptor agonist compound 21  

208、Treatment  with…..  was  assessed  by……were  analyzed  for  inflammation  and  

apoptosis with immunoblotting and real‐time reverse transcription polymerase chain  

reaction…..  significantly  improved…..  In  regard  to  underlying  

mechanisms,  …diminished….  indicating  an  antiapoptotic  effect.  Phosphorylation  of  

the p44/42 and p38 mitogen‐activated protein kinases, both involved in the regulation  

of cell survival, was strongly reduced after MI but almost completely rescued by C21  

treatment. Furthermore,….decreased ……..as well as cardiac interleukin‐6, interleukin‐

1β, and interleukin‐2 expression, suggesting an antiinflammatory effect.  

209、Direct…… stimulation may be a novel therapeutic approach to improve …… by  

antiapoptotic and antiinflammatory mechanisms.  

1 210、However, its underlying mechanism of anti‐adipogenic effects remains unknown  

211、New  research  efforts  have  begun  to  explore  the  potential  utility  of  PPARγ  

antagonists to deliver therapeutic benefit with reduced side‐effect profiles…..  

212、To examine whether the observed effect of Tan in the suppression of …… was  

mediated through the PPARγ pathway  

213、thus it is reasonable to postulate that….. However, the possible effects of Tan  

on other tissues await further investigation.  

214、The study warrants further investigation to explore therapeutic potential of Tan  

in metabolic Disorders.  

215、...to this end….  

216、Experimental and  clinical  data indicate  that  statins may  confer cardiovascular  

benefits  in  addition  to  the  lipid  lowering  activity at  least  partly  by  modulating  the  

inflammatory arm of atherosclerosis. We therefore examined the ability of statins to  

modulate ….expression  in…..  by  analyzing  the  effect  of  simvastatin  (20 mg  qd)  and  

atorvastatin (80 mg qd) on .. expression  

217、In the present study, we show disturbed regulation of the homeostatic  

218、Although several additional experiments will have  to be performed, based on  

recent studies, it is tempting to hypothesize that the different expression pattern of  


219、The  findings in  the  present  study  suggest  that  these molecules also  could  be  

involved in the XXX  

220、If such mechanisms also are operating withinthe atherosclerotic lesion, they may  

in  addition  to  promoting an  inflammatory  Th1  phenotype,  also  induce  a  matrix  

degrading, inflammatory, and prothrombotic phenotype  

221、…..are known to have persistently increased …levels……our finding could be of  

relevance also in relation to……further supporting such a notion

222、However, 2 very recent articles have suggested that …. may play an important  

2 role in emigration of T‐cells from inflamed tissue with particularly pronounced effect  


223、by …., and by ……inducing a matrix degrading, prothrombotic, and inflammatory  

phenotype in macrophages, these chemokines could contribute to atherogenesis and  

plaque destabilization, possibly representing novel targets for therapy in CAD  

224、Recent  studies  suggest  that  the  beneficial effects  of  statins in atherosclerotic  

disorders may be related to their immunomodulatoryproperties. Herein we show that  

these drugs are able to….  

225、To further elucidate this issue, we examined….. To further characterize…..  

226、Evidence from clinical and experimental studies supports a pathogenic role for  

inflammation  in  atherosclerosis.  This  increasing appreciation  of  the  importance  of  

inflammation in atherogenesis has focused attention on molecules that direct…..  

227、We performed studies in patientswith ….and healthy controls, in vitro studies in  

T‐cells  and  macrophages,  and  studies in  apolipoprotein‐E–deficient  (ApoE–/–)  mice

and human atherosclerotic carotid plaques…..  

228、The advent of (HMG‐CoA) reductase inhibitors, or statins, has revolutionized the  

treatment  of  hypercholesterolemia  due  to  competitive  inhibition  of  HMG‐CoA  

reductase, the rate‐limiting enzyme that catalyzes the de novo cholesterol biosynthesis.  

In addition a growing body of evidence suggests that statins exert beneficial vascular  

effects that are independent of their cholesterol‐lowering potencies  

229、The mechanisms underlying these serum lipid‐independent effects of statins are  

not completely understood, but there is increasing evidence that….  

230、….in the development of atherosclerosis is still undergoing debate  

231、Therefore,  the  aim  of  this  study  was  to  evaluate  whether  the  statin‐induced  

increase…Previously, we demonstrated that….  

232、Thus, conflicting results are available for these mouse models of atherosclerosis  

regarding the effects of statins on atherogenesis….  

3 233、To the best of our knowledge the effect of statins on atherogenesis in apoE/LDLR‐

deficient  mice  has  not  been  studied.  Thus,  the  aim  of  this  study  was  to  evaluate  

whether atorvastatin possesses hypolipidemic and anti‐inflammatory effects in these  

mice. We analyzed lipid profile and inflammatory markers in blood and together with  

expression of inflammatory markers and lesion size in the blood vessel wall.  

234、but studies investigating the potentially additive effects of a combined treatment  

strategy are rare. We hypothesised that……  

235、However, the mechanisms for its regulation remain elusive……  

236、revealing Lp‐PLA2 as an exciting new drug target for the prevention of serious  

cardiovascular disease. …  

237 This  study  provides  compelling  evidence  that  inhibition  of…..blocks  the  

development  of  unstable  plaques  by  reducing  the  generation  of  pro‐inflammatory  


238、The  concept  that  atherosclerosis  is  a  chronic  inflammatory  disease  has  now  

gained wide acceptance in the field of cardiovascular research.

239、Despite the accumulating circumstantial evidence pointing to …….as a culprit in  


plaque formation, definitive proof has been lacking….  

240、….an effect that was completely abrogated in the darapladib‐treated group  

241、What remains to be established is whether selective inhibition of …… reduces  

vulnerable plaque formation in humans and, ultimately, the incidence of heart attack  

and stroke.  

242、These increases were significantly reduced in a dose dependent manner by co‐

treatment  with……  No  cytotoxic  effects  of  ……  were  observed  under  the  same  

experimental conditions as assessed by lactate dehydrogenase release and MTT assay.  

243、Several epidemiological  studies  and  intervention  trials  have  been  performed  

with …..and some of them showed that it prevents atherosclerosis  

4 244、…..was assumed to act by…. However, at the cellular level, …. acts by inhibition  


245、Recent research revealed that these effects are not the result of the antioxidant  

activity of ….., but rather of precise molecular actions of this compound. It is assumed  

that specific interactions of …..are at the basis of its non‐antioxidant effects  

246、…..modulates the expression of genes that are involved in atherosclerosis (e.g.  

scavenger  receptors,  integrins,  selectins,  cytokines,  cyclins).  These  interactions  

promise  to  reveal  the biological properties of vitamin E and allow designing better  

strategies for the protection against atherosclerosis progression  

247、Alternative  non‐antioxidant  mechanisms  of  TSN  action  have  been  recently  

suggested, such as its involvement in cellular signalling, interference with enzymatic  

activity, apoptosis and gene expression modulation  

248、is an important cause of mortality and morbidity late after myocardial infarction….  

are often poorly defined.  

249、.. have not been investigated. ….. The prevalence and prognostic significance of ….  

are poorly understood.  

250、The study of ……..could offer insights into primary and secondary prevention  

251、We established…. Morphological examinations by autopsy or brain imaging were  

performed  on…..  The  present  article  aims  to  provide  accurate  estimates  of  the  

prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension  

252 Although  heat  shock  protein  60  is  implicated  in  the  pathogenesis  of  

atherosclerosis, its role in coronary heart disease is uncertain. This study explored the  

influence  of  circulating  Hsp60  on  CHD  in  a  large  case‐control  study,  as  well  as  the  

impact of acute myocardial infarction on Hsp60 levels in a prospective study.    

253、….is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD); however,  

there  have  been  few  well‐designed  prospective  studies  of  this  issue  in….  Recent  

epidemiological studies have suggested that….  

5 254、These molecules have facilitated the understanding of both……  

255、These interesting in vitro data on the effects of activation of the LOX‐1 receptor  

prompted us to investigate the role of LOX‐1 and OxLDL in vivo by means of a…  

256、to obtain….we used….assuming that….to verify whether….to further investigate  

the  effect  of  ……on….to  examine  whether…..to  determine  the  effects  of..  on….to  

examine the physiological consequences of ……  

257、However, the in vivo function of LOX‐1 has yet to be determined…..  

258、There  are  3  reasonable  interpretations  of  the  present  results.  First,  second,  

third, ….  

259、…..did not reach a statistically significant difference between the apoEKO and  

LOXtg/apoEKO strains.  

260、This is in good agreement with ….. further supports a role for LOX‐1 in the current  

model of atherogenesis…..  

261、This needs to be considered in interpreting the data in the present study.  

262、Based on the data from experimental animal models including the present study,  

it is possible that…  

263、Recently, other researchers along with our laboratory have reported that…..  

264、Although  these  studies  were  not  able  to  specify  whether  the….. specifically  

enhances the activity of LOX‐1, together with the data reported here, there is support  

for a pro‐atherogenic effect of LOX‐1 in humans.  

265、…..should prove to be a useful model for further investigation into the initiation  

and progression of atheromatous changes in the mouse heart  

266、We  were  surprised  to  find  a  significant  and  consistent  change  in  the  mRNA  

expression profile under the various conditions  

267、To characterize the role of…  

268、These results are in agreement with our findings reported previously in ….. cells  

269、This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that…  

6 270、There is extensive evidence suggesting that…. play important roles in  

271、We  tested  whether…..  On  the  one  hand,    but  we  have  found  no  evidence  

that…..On the other hand,..  

272、A combination of …… resulted in an unexpected synergy on PPAR_‐induced gene  

expression. In the experiments, we used sequential treatment because we reasoned  

that it probably represented a more physiological setting.  

273、The  principal  finding  of  the  present  study  is  that….  The  possible explanation  

for….is ….  

274、Several epidemiological  studies  and  intervention  trials  have  been  performed  

with…. and some of them showed that  

275、For a long time, vitamin E was assumed to act by decreasing the oxidation of LDL,  

a key step in atherosclerosis initiation  

276、It is assumed that specific interaction of ….. with enzymes and proteins are at  

the basis of its non‐antioxidant effects.  

277、These interactions promise  to  reveal  the biological properties of ….and allow  

designing better strategies for the protection against atherosclerosis progression  

278、….has been entrusted with therapeutic properties against cardiovascular disease  

(CVD) for almost 60 years  

279 Alternative  non‐antioxidant  mechanisms  of…..action  have  been  recently  

suggested, such as its involvement in cellular signaling…..  

280、In  humans,  although  epidemiological  studies  have  given  indications  that  ….  

protects against atherosclerosis progression, clinical intervention trials have reported  

contradictory results. The reasons of this ambiguity may possibly lay on the enrollment  

in  clinical  studies  of  patients  with  already  manifested  atherosclerotic  lesions  or  

increased risk of cardiovascular disease  

281、…..inconsistent, but as described below, several reasons can be postulated that…  

282、An accurate interpretation needs to take into account the modality of selection  

7 for  enrollment,  the  geographical  area  of  selected  subjects  connected  to  the  diet  

differences, the stage of the disease, the chosen markers, the dosage and the type of  

vitamin E used in each of these trials  

283 These  data  may  allow  us  to  presume  the  involvement  of  alternative  

nonantioxidant mechanisms for the anti‐atherosclerotic effect of TSN.  

284、The different type and dose of tocopherol supplements administered within the  

trials can also explain the incongruence between their results.

285、Yet, it has not been very clearly established whether….  

286、The  ability  of  in  vitro  LDL  oxidation  has  been  

unequivocally proved  

287、Because it has a central role within the inflammatory response, attempts have  

been  made  to  therapeutically  regulate  the  activity  of  NF‐

suggest that….  

288、This hypothesis is sustained by the fact that…..  

289、……be inversely associated with……  

290、promising  results  on  the  progression  of  As  and  on  the  incidence  of  vascular  

diseases have been reported by…..  

291、the results from …..have provided good evidence of benefit…….provide further  

evidence about the effects of ……on…..  

292、the  results  of  …..indicate  that……daily  supplementation  with….is  safe.  But,  

although……no significant benefits were observed among the high risk individuals that  

were studied.  

293、these results effectively rule out the possibility that…..  

294、Factors to consider in interpreting these findings include the population studied,  

the  vitamin  dosages  (and  combination)  tested,  and  the  duration  of  treatment  and  


295、likewise, similarly…..  

8 296、no significant improvements in…were observed with…..(albeit a relatively low  

dose)…..either alone or in combination with….  

297、Hence, the available evidence from observational studies of different antioxidant  

regimens      does not suggest….  

298、But, there was no suggestion that beneficial effects were beginning to emerge  

even during…..  

299、Based  on  the  presumption  that  the  likelihood  of  benefit  outweighs  any  low  

probability of harm, daily supplementation with…..  

300、But, despite assessing the combined effects of…. The Study has not been able to  

demonstrate any benefits from such supplementation.

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