







SCI论文-写作高大上句型 1000 例—1‐100




SCI 写作高大上句型 1000 例—1‐100

1、To further substantiate a role of…..
2、To gain further insight into the involvement of……
3、Several lines of evidence suggest a potential role of……
4、The discrepancies between these studies may be explained
in part by the fact that….
5、It can also not be excluded that…..
6、To further elucidate the role of…….
7、There is growing evidence that……….
8、Several studies indicate that…………
9、It is generally accepted that………..
10、In vitro studies revealed that………….
11、This is somewhat surprising since………
12、Furthermore, available data suggest the potential to……..
13、development and generation of more specific inhibitors will
be required to further
explore their potential to………..
14、A better understanding of the regulation of
their expression will thus be…….instrumental in the development of specific targeting
15、Little is known either on……….
16、…………. remain to be elucidated in more detail
17、The aim of this study was to clarify whether….. were
therapeutic agents against
18、This study may provide a new recognition of natural
medicine for the treatment
19、Epidemiological studies have shown the incidence of
20、… are thought to act through receptor‐independent and
dependent mechanisms
to promote…
21、…..which are derived from….., have been reported to
possess a variety of potent
properties, including antioxidant, anti‐inflammation,
radical‐scavenging, and cardiovascular protecting activity,
anti‐tumor, and so on.
22、The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of ….
and to evaluate the
efficacy of cardioprotection by…….23、The pathological features of diabetes and/or its
complications that were caused
by…. had been investigated extensively.
24、It has been established that TGF‐b1 was a major regulator
of collagen biosynthesis.
25、As discussed above, it was discovered that …..
showed beneficial influences
on…..and had cardioprotective effects, suggesting that….. may
ameliorate …….
26、However, the mechanisms responsible for the
effects of….on…still need to be
27、This study elucidated the functional role of ….
against ……may provide novel
evidence for an antidiabetic property.
28、…sparked intense debate and research into the
cardiovascular security of…
29、An updated review of
30、The significance of this finding rests on the fact that….
31、…. what is in agreement with literature data
32、The value and novelty of this study is to indicate, for the
first time in an in vivomodel, that the molecular mechanism of
atherosclerosis prevention by ……is
consistent with a diminution of the class B scavenger receptor
CD36 expression
33、The question remains open as to why….
34、... may lead to a better understanding of the discrepancies
among human studies
and with the animal ones.
35、….numerous studies suggest that it has a
preventive role in atherosclerosis,
although the mechanism of action still remains unclear.
37、The original aim of this study was to establish whether…..
38、Expression of some of the scavenger receptors is increased
at the atherosclerotic
lesion, but to date the regulatory mechanisms for most
of these genes are not yet
known and could lead to a better understanding
of the process, prevention, and
therapy of this disease.
39、This finding is important in the light of the still unknown
mechanism of foam‐cell
formation from human aortic SMCs.40、The results shown in Figure excluded this hypothesis,
41、Treatment of cells with a‐tocopherol (50 mmol/L) resulted
in a time‐dependent
decrease of CD36 protein expression (Figure 2B), as was
observed at the mRNA level.
42、An understanding of the mechanisms by which……is central
to an understanding
of ……
43、……remains to be determined…..recent data support an
important role for….in the
pathogenesis of As.
44、However, mounting evidence suggests that ……
45、….although the biological function has not been defined…..
46、Given the established role of ……, we explored whether.
47、In the following work, we outlined a novel signaling
pathway for…..these findings
suggest an unexpected role for …..in the pathogenesis of As
48、The expression of …..in , led us to search for its expression
in ….. To address this
issue, we performed IF microscopy using antibodies against….
49、To determine whether ….. was also expressed in…., we
performed ICH. As shownin figure, the nuclei of ….show strong staining for …… By
contrast, no staining is seen
50、As anticipated, cells treated with…exhibited a reduction
effect was observed with or….this observation suggest that…..
51、To further characterize the effect of …on …., we
52、To determine whether…..The effect of ….were
also examined in…..we also
examined the ability of … on ….This findings indicate that….
53、Accordingly, we consider the possibility that….
54、Surprisingly, …..This results established a link
between…..and …..
55、Since Ox‐LDL stimulated PPAR expression, we speculated
that ……
56、As demonstrated in…., similar results were obtained
57、We further examined the effect of…. the surface expression
of CD36 by….
58、… has been reported previously to be an effective inducer
of…..induce expressionof ….in …cells.
59、induce significant expression of mRNA encoding ……similar
results were obtained
when…was used as…..
60 、 to investigate whether…..and …are linked, we
utilized a …..that has been
demonstrated previously to interfere with….
61、while it is possible that …..make minor contributions to ,this
data indicate that the
effect I is mediated primarily by SR CD36.
62、The observation that ….raised the possibility that….
63、To investigate whether….function to regulate transcription
of ….promoter,
64、to confirm that….collectively , these results suggests that….
65、The above findings raised the Intriguing possibility ……..
66、A detailed understanding of the molecular and
cellular events that underlie
formation of As plaque, is prerequisite to the rational design of
the therapeutic of the
67、In this work, we have presented evidence
implicating…..in a novel signalingpathway that regulate differentiation and lipid metabolism
68、….endows cultured ….cells with the ability to bind and
internalized OxLDL.
69、our observation that…..suggest that …..may be important
for the modulation of
gene expression in this context.
70、In fact, we have recently demonstrated that ….This
observation reveals a novel
mechanism whereby……
71、it fits well with the previously defined role of ….
72、Although prior work has focused primarily on , it is likely
73、there is strong evidence that….all of these observations are
consistent with our
identification ….as….
74、our findings that ……, that….., and that….., collectively
suggest that…..may play a
role in….. Clearly, in vivo studies will be required to further
address the possibility.
75、In the case of …, a number of studies have provided
compelling evidence that….76、the work presented herein has in many cases utilized…..in
an effort/ attempt to….
77、It is tempting to speculate that the elucidation
of a nuclear receptor signaling
pathway involved in…..may open the door for therapeutic
intervention of this process,
78、since the relationship between …. And atherogenesis is
complex, the influence
of…on…must also be taken into account.
79、Clearly, in vivo studies will be required to
determine whether…have potential
utility in the treatment or prevention of atherogenesis.
80、To explore the idea that……
was used to identify……
81、Furthermore, these studies demonstrate…..to be an
important signaling molecule
in…..and may serve as a therapeutic target in
the prevention and treatment of
vasculoproliferative disorders
82、XXX have been widely used in clinical practise
and their efficacy in reducing
cardiovascular risk has been well described83、These results suggest that …..has a potent protective effect
against…. The findings
provide a new insight into the mechanism by which
84、Despite extensive studies, the fundamental
mechanisms responsible for the
development and progression of cardiovascular
diseases have not yet been fully
elucidated. Recent experimental and clinical studies
have suggested that reactive
oxygen species play a major pathological role
85、However, it remains unknown whether…….
86、….has been shown to possess various
pharmacological activities such as anti‐
oxidative and anti‐inflammatory activities.
87、…recognized as a molecular target for anti‐inflammatory
88、…Furthermore, we have confirmed an involvement of
reactive oxygen species(ROS)
89、The present study was attempted to investigate the
90、All other reagents were of the best grade commercially
available…..91、The experiments in this article were conducted in
accordance with guidelines
established by the Animal Care and Use Committee of …..
92、…cells were generously provided by…maintained in ….
93、To elucidate the mechanisms of …..action, its effect
on ….was examined by…..
94 、 …..may have promising beneficial effects in
preventing….. and may be of
significance from the aspect of…..
95、In studies of the molecular mechanisms of….. A previous
report indicated that
96 、 To study the role of….. we designed an
antisense to deplete the
endogenous ….protein.
97、Consistent with the fact that….dominant‐negative…did not
rescue the effect of…..
he results presented above suggest a requirement for…in….
We further explored
this possibility using,,,,,,
99、As our results suggested that….. we attempted to rescue….

100、To further test the relationship of… with the…

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